The Coastal Skipper course teaches you the advanced skippering techniques. It is the ideal next step for sailors with considerable knowledge and already some miles under their belt. Learn how to undertake coastal passages by day and night.
After many miles and seriously broad experience you can consult us for taking a Yachmaster prep course and exam. If you don't have any experience in the RYA Scheme we strongly recommend to take the Coastal Skipper course first.
RYA Coastal Skipper course: This course consists of skippered passages in a variety of situations. Each trainee will skipper more challenging passages and learn more about passage planning, pilotage by day and night, boat handling in more demanding conditions, safety and emergency situations. It is a satisfying but intensive week, with candidates often working towards Yachtmaster. Complete the Coastal Skipper/Yachtmaster Offshore online theory before you join the practical course.
RYA Yachtmaster Offshore Prep Week: Yachtmaster Prep Training & Yachtmaster Offshore/Yachtmaster Coastal Exam. Please get in touch before you book this training.