RYA First Aid Course (EN)

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Our one-day course covers all the usual first aid subjects, but from a boating perspective. It is aimed at anyone who goes afloat, whether on inland waters, rivers, estuaries or on cross channel passages.

This course is MCA approved and satisfies the requirements for Coastal Skipper Yachtmaster and Advanced Powerboat certificates of competence and some commercial work afloat.

In a medical emergency a little first aid knowledge and immediate action can save lives, especially in remote locations or at sea. This one-day course is designed to provide a working knowledge of first aid for water sports enthusiasts and small craft operators. Course is given in English.


Meer details & aanvullende informatie voor de gevorderdencursus

Required experience



There is no need to study beforehand.

Course contents

The subjects specific to boating include:

- CPR and AED
- Treatment for drowing
- Treatment and causes of shock
- Treatment for bleeding & catastrophic bleeding
- Recognition & treatment of angina & heart attack
- Recognition & treatment of head injuries
- Treatment of hypothermia
- Cold water shock
- Treatment and types of burns
- Prevention & treatment of seasickness
- First Aid & Category Cat C Kits
- Medevac by helicopter
- Medical advice by radio

Course includes

- Coffee & Tea, Lunch
- RYA First Aid course book
- KNRM Radio Medical Services booklet
- RYA First Aid certificate

Course location

The RYA First Aid course is held in our classroom in Harlingen.

De Zeezeilers | Zuiderhaven 57 8861 CK Harlingen


Parking in Harlingen is restricted, we advise to park at Parkeerterrein Spoorstraat.