Milebuilder The Solent

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This trip is a perfect milebuilder to gain experience after your Day Skipper or Coastal Skipper course. Build routine and make some great 60 miles passages.

From the Netherlands to Dieppe we will organise a rental van. The contribution to the costs is € 65 per person. From Southampton you can arrange your own transport home.

More information on the Milesbuilder

Previous experience required

This Milesbuilder is suitable for experienced sailors who are already competent at Day Skipper or Coastal Skipper level.

You should arrive with a minimum of 10 days sea time and 200nm.


It is wise to have your theory up to speed before the start of the course. You can achieve that with the RYA Coastal Skipper/Yachtmaster shorebased online theory course. Please find the course via this link.

Both the RYA SRC radio certificate and the RYA First Aid certificate are valuable for offshore sailing. It is not mandatory but highly recommended.
Plan your SRC and First-Aid ahead. You will need them for your Yachtmaster exams. 

Course contents

We\'ll make a series of passages throughout the trip, sailing from A to B. You will put to practice what you learned before. This is your perfect trip for building miles and routinate your skills. In a trip like this it is possible that we sail passages of over 60 nm. They can count as Yachtmaster Qualifying Passages.

We’ll give you the chance to tackle a range of challenging scenarios, practice weather forecasting, application of collision regulations, pilotage and passage planning. If you already acquired your Coastal Skipper certificate. You can apply to be skippering one of the trips.

What\'s next?

At the end of the RYA Coastal Skipper course you will be confident to skipper a cruising yacht on longer passages by day and night. Students who succesfully tick all boxes of the syllabus are awarded the RYA Coastal Skipper certificate. A decent ticket to be proud off.

Now it\'s time to build miles and experience. Make sure the skills will be finetuned and don\'t fade. Step aboard of one of our training trips in Brittany or along the European coast. When you reach the mileage requirement for the Yachtmaster Offshore, contact our office to plan your prepweek and exam:

Packing list etc.

You can find a detailed packing list and more joining instructions here.

Other participants

Most people come alone
The male/female rate is about 60/40
Ages differ, on average 25-50 years

The yacht

These courses are held on our Centurion 41 and occassionally on our V44. You can find more info on the boats here:

After booking

On booking you receive a confirmation by mail. When you log in on the website more information on the trip is provided:

- Use the forum for getting in touch with the other crew
- When the skipper is assigned, you can contact him/her too.
- Some time before the trip starts you will receive some last info.

Price includes

Instruction, staying and sleeping on board, use of gas and diesel, certificates, insurances and Dutch VAT.

Price excludes

Transport to and from harbours of departure and destination. Common board cash for food and drinks on board and harbour fees. The skipper does not participate in the costs. No theory books of reference books are included.

Start of the course

Please do not arrive earlier than the given start time as we have a tight turn around of courses. The instructor will send you the exact location.
Save time for groceries at the point of departure.

End of the course

In general the course ends on the announced time, after cleaning the boat and disembarking.